Sunday, May 14, 2006


Finally it was the morning of May, 5, 2006. The day had dawned and I had to appear for my much awaited egg-jaam.... I mean exams. The 1st Sem exams for of the Master's course.

Day started by me searching for a small the bag to hold all the implements.... arrrghhhh pen, pencil, etc, I was too scared and quite tense too, since I knew that now I could type faster than I can write and was wondering 'Why can't we just type our answers and submit them online'. Yea yea whatever. In a government Institution. Well whatever the case, that was not the right time to think about all of this since I had to write the exams anyway and there was little that I can change. More appropriately 'NOTHING' that I could do about it. :-(

Exams were to begin at 1400hrs and so I reached college at noon. An appointment with the Dentist in the morning also ate up some time, which I am not so sure what I would have used it for.... probably finding (discovering) some topics for the first time. Good that there was this appointment in the morning. I was not quite relaxed since I didn't bother myself with the last minute reading.

After reaching college, it was time for a pleasant surprise. No Roll No.'s. I was like WHAT ?? No Roll Codes ?? Then are we gonna write our names on the Answer booklets like in primary school ?? What on earth is happening? Our enrollment numbers / registration numbers were also not going to help.

As the exam time drew closer, we were assigned our Roll Nos. (with some thinking and complex codification exercise). Relieved!!!

The answer booklets were familiar, but I had last seen them only in April 2003. That's 3 years ago...... ahhhhhh..... painful..... not because of the results that time, but the amount of scribbling that had been done in those answer booklets to score marks. Started answering the papers and on completing only one single answer, my arm started paining. Eekkkksssss.... everything had to happen. Not used to writing for too long after completing one side of the first page, the next page was simply illegible. Anyway I had to continue, 'The Show must go on'. The six-monthly natak for deciding..... I am not so sure what :)

I scampered through the paper and utilized the complete three hours for writing all the answers as I usually do. There I was a satisfied student at the end of a really loooong paper, which appeared extra long due to the sheer time gap between my bachelors degree and the masters. Nonetheless I was satisfied with whatever I had scribbled.